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The Internet is flooded with information on quality management systems. While many of them are genuine resources, there are some circulating inappropriate information, myths, and partially correct information that often misguides people.
In fact, people overlook all the benefits and their business needs for an advanced quality management system without even realizing that it’s holding them back from gaining a competitive edge. This post is intended to debunk all the myths about quality management systems and help business owners to make an informed decision regarding EQMS implementation.
Some of the common myths about quality management are:
QMS requires intensive paperwork and documentation
Many business owners believe that they will need to do extensive paperwork and documentation if they will implement an ISO certified quality management software. However, this works counterproductive. A company producing an excess of documentation will only increase complexities for the organization as well as customers to retrieve required data and information.
Such organizations need to understand that even the most popular regulatory authority i.e. ISO majorly requires six documented procedures to streamline, standardize, and structure organization’s processes. This further induces the confidence and trustworthiness of the organization for its respective audience.
The misbeliefs about documentation often keep many organizations to reap the maximum advantages of a quality management system and maintain compliance.
QMS is not a value-addition for an organization
Some organizations adopt a quality management system just to keep their customers. They don’t understand the value it adds to the organization in terms of improved performance and profitability. One of the main reasons could be the lack of clarity on the purpose that organizations want to fulfill with QMS.
The fact is quality management system is a value-addition for any organization to reduce the chance of quality issues while saving time, money, and resources. A QMS helps to establish a disciplined process and clear communication across the organization to ensure standard procedures that not only increase ROI but also increase the brand value for the customers.
The myth about zero value addition from the quality management system holds the organization back from the improved bottom line.
QMS just increase cost-burdens on the organization’s budget
Investing in quality management software may sound like cost-burdens to the organizational budget especially if you cannot implement best practices for everyday tasks. It will simply be of no or very minimal value for the organization to achieve operational excellence.
However, the investment in a quality management system will be a total worth if it is implemented appropriately. It will help the organization to take a proactive approach for quality issues so as to prevent expensive product recalls. It is much better than managing the consequences of a problem that could take your customers and brand reputation away.
Therefore, the cost for the organization might increase a bit with an investment in the quality management system, but it is totally worth to avoid expensive recalls and rework.
QMS makes our organization processes rigid and regressive
Organizations tend to experience rigid and regressive processes only when it is structured so. It’s not the quality management system that binds an organization from being flexible and innovative with their everyday processes. It’s more about the way they align their processes with quality objectives.
A quality management system enables an organization to be more flexible and innovative by providing them a structure that truly aligns with their quality objectives without compromising on standards and compliance. You can also go for a cloud EQMS that leverages configurable workflows for more flexibility and ease.
So, make sure the processes align well with the objectives you want to achieve. This will enable complete flexibility and innovation in the QMS implemented.
QMS certification is not something our organization doesn’t need
It is not defined as a mandatory regulatory requirement to adopt a quality management system and get certified. This is the reason many organizations don’t realize the need for quality management systems. They often tend to ignore multiple benefits they can reap with a QMS implementation and certification.
A QMS is referred to as the collection of industry best practices that enable any organization to ensure consistent quality and compliance. And, acquiring a certificate verifies the successful implementation of industry best practices and proven approaches in the organization. It also helps the organization to gain customer confidence and enhanced market reach.
A certified QMS also makes your organization future-ready since standards are likely to get stringent and important. So, don’t let your organization lag and get certified QMS today.
QMS is more like a distraction for our business processes
This myth is made to look like a fact by many organizations that tend to use a quality management system on an on-and-off basis. They consider it an activity or process that should be conducted at regular intervals of time like an audit.
Organizations need to understand that implementing a quality management system and complying with industry best practices daily helps to create a standardized flow of processes. Having such an approach helps to achieve many benefits that are beyond any costs like customer loyalty.
So, don’t let your QMS become a distraction for the business processes. Rather, use it to create a culture of quality and continuous improvements.
QMS neither makes sense nor guarantees product quality
Nothing can work as a perfect formula to guarantee product quality. But following industry best practices and methodologies through a closed-loop quality management system ensures a proactive approach to manage problems and consistency of the product quality. It can improve the business success rate as well.
Don’t be among the organizations that consider quality management systems just a fad to last for a few more years. Consider it as a quality base for your organization’s long-term success. It will become staple with the increasing prominence of the quality management systems.
Don’t expect to guarantee, streamline and standardize your processes using a QMS to ensure greater consistency and lower product quality issues.
QMS is not required in case of customer audits and inspections
An audit or inspection conducted by one customer doesn’t necessarily ensure enough confidence as the implementation of a quality management system and certification does. It is not likely to make all your customers equally happy and satisfied.
On the other hand, being audited by the certification bodies ensure that you are following best practices daily regardless of the type of customer you are delivering your product and services to. Moreover, not every customer may qualify to perform an audit. A certified QMS implementation will ensure consistency and confidence.
A certified quality system is likely to increase every customer’s confidence in you and your products.
QMS is for the organization that doesn’t have any other certification
This is also among the myths that are turned into truth by many organizations. There are certain organizations that have gained certifications from different regulatory bodies such as GLP, GMP, FDA, UL, etc.
Gaining any of them or all of them doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a quality management system in the organization. Adopting the right QMS is more like a comprehensive approach to attain quality rather than focusing on a process or system.
A quality management system helps to ensure that all the processes including CAPA, customer complaints management, training management, etc. are standardized throughout the organization and everyone is on the same page.
Unfollow these Myths in 2020 for Accelerated Growth and Quality Improvements
Don’t let any of the above-mentioned myths to block your business success. Explore all the possibilities and opportunities that 2020 holds for your business with the implementation of the right quality management Software in your organization.
Change of Approach that your Organization Needs
Your organization needs a standardized approach to streamline all the quality processes while mitigating the risks and achieve operational excellence. This is possible only when you will get the quality management system that suits your business needs. The right system will help you make a proactive approach towards quality issues so that you can achieve quality objectives at the specified time.
The Bottom Line
Simply put, a quality management system helps to prevent quality issues while ensuring consistency – in products and process quality. Implementing EQMS and gaining certifications improves outcomes, lowers the quality costs, and increase confidence.
If you want to know more and explore the right quality management system for your business needs, get in touch with the Qualityze team. You will get your queries resolved and make an informed selection of the right EQMS.
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