Table of Content
1 Seven Common Problems Faced by Manufacturing Industries
Lack of a Competent Workforce
Lack of Safety Measures
Lack of Awareness on Digital Transformation
Lack of Inventory and Supplier Quality Management
Lack of Effective Tools for Risk Management
Lack of Appropriate Documentation
Lack of Balance in Continual Improvement Activities

Seven Common Problems Faced by Manufacturing Industries
The continuous evolution of technology has led to many innovations and revolutions for the manufacturing industry including the most talked-about one i.e. Industry 4.0. The era of digitization has brought so many exciting changes for the manufacturing companies with cutting-edge quality management solutions.
But there are still many manufacturing issues that need to be resolved with the intervention of technology. The most common problems that manufacturing industries are facing today includes:
Lack of a Competent Workforce
Lack of the competent workforce doesn’t imply that you don’t have good people in your organization. You may have the best people in your organization but may not be competent enough to perform the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. This requires effective training programs to be implemented so that your employees can work more efficiently.
Firstly, you need to identify the need for training programs for different departments so that you can introduce the right training programs. Then, you need a training management software to manage all your training related tasks including registration, enrollments, program creation, examination, performance evaluation, issuing certificate, etc.
Manufacturing companies should emphasize on improving the workforce competency to unleash the maximum potential from the available resources.
Lack of Safety Measures
Manufacturing can be an extremely dangerous industry at times. It is significantly important for manufacturers to comply with health and safety standards to avoid non-fatal injuries and illnesses at the workplace. A major part of these injuries is linked with lifting heavy objects that should be safely lifted with the help of trucks and trolleys.
The manufacturing companies should have an audit management software in place to know where they lack in terms of employees’ and customers’ safety and take right corrective measures to deal with the compliance and quality issues of the existing processes.
Therefore, manufacturing companies should have a regulated audit management system to identify improvement opportunities, especially for safety measures.
Lack of Awareness on Digital Transformation
Even though there has been a regular discussion about the digital transformations for the manufacturing industries, there are still a huge number of manufacturers who are not utilizing the latest technologies like Cloud, IoT, AI, etc. to maintain their competitive edge. They are ignoring the potential of such technologies for improved safety, compliance, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in the production.
Manufacturers should create a strategy wherein they have to define the systems and processes to collect, analyze, and manage the business-critical data in such a way that it improves their decision-making process.
The focus on new and improved technologies will help manufacturers to stay smart and proactive for the upcoming business challenges and changes for continued success. So, manufacturers, take the smart way to success before it’s too late.
Lack of Inventory and Supplier Quality Management
Though managing supplier’s quality and inventory is a common challenge for all the manufacturers, they cannot rely on traditional methods to track and manage supplier quality. it’s time they need to realize the importance of a supplier quality management software for improved performance of their suppliers.
Manufacturers cannot afford delayed supply of goods and components as this can hamper both the production cycles and brand reputation. Once there is efficient management and tracking of supplier quality, manufacturers can also streamline the other processes like inventory keeping for the raw products, finished products, and the products that are still in the production.
Make sure you manage your supplier quality right to keep your production quality high, which will help you to maintain the balance of quality and quantity of the deliverables.
Lack of Effective Tools for Risk Management
Managing risk is yet another important aspect for the sustainability of any business including manufacturing. Effective risk management requires you to consider and evaluate different aspects, which is time-consuming if executed manually. The use of next-generation CAPA management software is a smart move to identify potential risks and manage them.
CAPA Management Software brings dual benefits for manufacturers. They cannot only identify the potential risks but can also manage the quality issues that have already occurred to prevent their recurrences. It is indeed one of the most effective risk management tools for manufacturers.
A powerful risk management tool can drive continuous improvement in product and process quality.
Lack of Appropriate Documentation
Documentation is one of the commonly ignored yet significant processes. There are still many manufacturers who prefer paper-based documentation systems that hold them back in the era of digital transformation. Even the ISO recommends the use of digitized documents and electronic signatures.
Manufacturers need to adopt an electronic document management software system to store, manage, and share the controlled documents securely. There are some document management systems like Qualityze that come with role-based access to ensure that only authorized can access and retrieve the documents.
An electronic system will help maintain an appropriate log of documentation including the different versions that get created over time.
Lack of Balance in Continual Improvement Activities
Maintaining balance in continual improvement activities often requires manufacturers to perform regular audits that help them to identify new improvement opportunities. An audit management system in place will help manufacturers to establish a consistency of process and product improvements.
Audit software enables organizations to scheduling audits and their follow-ups well-in-advanced to not to miss any deadline. So, manufacturers can rely on audit management software for managing end-to-end audit processes without any hassles and strike the balance in continual improvement activities.
Regular Audits = Regular Improvements (or Continual Improvements)
What if all these challenges can be managed easily with a single solution? Yes, just one solution and you are sorted. All you need to do is invest in a powerful Enterprise Quality Management System like Qualityze. It will help you standardize, streamline, and support all your quality management processes with its high-end built-in capabilities.
Qualityze Quality Management Software for Manufacturing Industry is an EQMS suite that comprises eight different solutions including Nonconformance Management, CAPA Management, Document Management, Change Management, Audit Management, Supplier Quality Management, Training Management, Maintenance Management, Calibration Management, Inspection Management and Complaints Management to enable your quality teams managing the end-to-end quality processes from anywhere around the globe.
Since the era of digitization demands for a flexible, scalable, reliable, and secure solution, Qualityze eQMS makes a perfect choice to solve the problems that manufacturing industries are facing these days and to cope up with all the demands.
Why follow words when you can experience Qualityze difference anytime, anywhere by requesting a free demo today? Get in touch with our customer success team at 1-877-207-8616 or write to us at and we will be right there for you.
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